Gain more control over
insurance costs and
claims with self-funding

Let Graph handle the technical side of your self-funded program – from creating your plan and organizing your network of providers, to reviewing, servicing, and paying out the appropriate claims.

Plans we facilitate

More flexible than fully-insured plans, our alternative programs allow you to
save on monthly premium costs.



Large Deductible

Benefits of Self-Funding
with Graph

Lower monthly payments

Set aside a monthly reserve based on a careful prediction of costs.

Protect your bottom line

Should claims begin to exceed predictions, your stop-loss insurance kicks in.

Recoup any overpayments

If claims are less than predicted, your reserves are returned to you.

Fewer claims,
lower cost

Reduce your overall cost by reducing claim amount

Flexible features

Provide your employees and clients with the programs you know they’d appreciate most, such as home rehab and more.

Larger Businesses Save More

The larger the businesses the more cost effective a self-insured plan can be.

  • Proud to partner with leading TPAs

Let's build a plan
that's right for you

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