Protecting those
who care™

General and Professional Liability Insurance for the Healthcare Industry.

Graph Insurance:
A Risk Retention Group

Graph is a team of healthcare, insurance, and risk management experts working together to combat the rising cost of insurance in healthcare.

We tap into our deep understanding of the industry to create custom plans that truly protect both you and your bottom line.

How we’re different

Deep industry experience

Our executive team shares a combined 4+ decade’s of experience working in insurance and healthcare. This provides us with keen insight and an intuitive understanding of the risks faced by facilities, and the strategies needed to help protect assets, employees and patients alike.

A flexible approach

At Graph, we believe that no two facilities are alike, and so there is no single solution or general plan that suits everyone. Our team works hand-in-hand with yours to create a custom plan so you cover all your risk, no more and no less.

Proactive risk control

Risk management is key to keeping costs low. We partner with you and your staff to aggressively reduce risk through training and education, and by implementing, overseeing and monitoring policies and processes that keep everyone safe.

Graph by the numbers


Licenced in
37 states





Operating in 37 states

Let's build a plan
that's right for you

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